Cooking Club
Posted by Lillyburn Care Home

This month’s Cookery Club was led by Activity Team Member Carlynn and was a resounding success!
Carly along with 7 of our lovely ladies have been hard at work making delicious Prawn Cocktails and Trifles!
Not only have they all enjoyed cooking but it’s been an opportunity for the ladies to catch up, Betty McKie even saying ‘I look forward to it as I get to see everyone each week!’
At the end of every session, each person completes an evaluation form, stating their likes/dislikes with the session and what they would like to make next week.
With that, we have decided to keep the same group of people for 7 weeks so that the session is more focused on the preferences of each attending.
So to anyone that’s interested in taking part in the next group….get your name on the list and be the next Master Chef!

Rosie B
04 Aug 2015
Looks like the ladies have had a great day :-)