Rain Stays Away for Birdston Summer Fete
Posted by Lillyburn Care Home

It stayed dry!!
Yes we are happy to report that this year’s Summer Fete could actually be classed as ‘Summer!’ Now the weather wasn’t perfect but there was no rain and that’s good enough for us!
From young to old, there was something for everyone with Birdston Nursing Home entertaining the children with a tombola, sweet stall, face painting, bouncy castle and giant 10 Pin Bowling. Not to forget the Fire Engine which the kids (and a few of the ladies!) got to take pictures with the Firemen. And everyone got a big hug and pic with their favourite…Elsa from Frozen or a Minion!
Lillyburn was equally as busy keeping everyone well fed with the Tea Room and the Home Baking. Anyone with a sweet tooth would have been in cake heaven thanks to all the wonderful donations that were handed in from relatives and staff.
We were also lucky enough to have some stalls selling clothes, plants, lotions and creams etc, along with all the Fete favourites, Tombola, Bric-a-Brac, Bottle Stall.
Once the last raffle ticket was sold, Lillyburn Manager Ann McKinnon and Day Care Manager Teresa Anderson announced the winners of the many, many (oh so many!) raffle prizes. A special congratulations to Day Care service user Margaret Mellor who won the 1st prize of £250.00! Drinks are on Margaret!
A fantastic day was had by all and made even more special when we totalled up the takings and the grand total raised was £2161.15! This was split between Birdston, Lillyburn and Day Care giving each £720.00 for their Residents Funds.
There is just so many people to thank from the staff who gave up their time to help on the day to all the relatives and friends who donated various prizes, gifts, home baking. It’s greatly appreciated and we hope you enjoyed the day!
Now time to plan for next year….