Bradford University School of Dementia Studies and Pacific Care Research Collaboration
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The University of Bradford and Pacific Care’s Clinical Director, Janice Allan has collaborated to produce a paper on, “What Works in Dementia Training and Education”.
As Pacific Care were the only Care Home Group to offer dementia training in Scotland, Professor Jan Oyebode of the School of Dementia Studies at Bradford University, approached us in 2016 to determine how our dementia training was delivered. So impressed were they with the quality of training on offer, the university invited Pacific Care to take part in their formal research project.
The Project has three stages; the first stage comprised dementia mapping, a tool used to observe care delivery, communication, and stimulation and resident’s response to that care using a blood pressure cuff. This took place at Lillyburn Care Home with residents and their relatives both getting involved. The next stage was made up of observation of training in practice across all staff groups and all levels, from introductory to skilled. Staff were then tested on their knowledge against fixed criteria, incorporating visitors, managers and residents feedback. A second round of dementia mapping followed this.
The final stage, analysis and results, are due in the next few months and are eagerly awaited as a mechanism through which to refine and improve our dementia training even further. The University’s findings will enable our staff to do their jobs more effectively, serving our residents and their families with the highest of standards.
To thank Pacific Care for their collaboration, the University kindly donated £400 to the residents fund, matched by Pacific Care Managing Director, Brendan Brawley to thank the residents and their relatives for supporting this initiative. Great news for Lillyburn Care Home who have used the donations to enhance their IPAD collection, allowing even more residents to take part in the Playlist for Life Programme run throughout our care homes.
Playlist for Life is an evidence based therapy that enhances the lives of people with dementia. A personal musical playlist is devised that can help to enhance memories and abilities, strengthen relationships and restore a sense of self in a world that can be increasingly alien. Pacific Care staff has been excitedly embracing this platform for the last few years, producing playlist of meaningful music for residents, and are an official recognised Playlist for Life Partner.
Pacific Care always strives to be at the forefront of care, believing excellence is achievable with advances in research and practice developments now available to the care industry. We look forward to embracing these new advances to the benefit of all our residents, their relatives and our staff.