Care Home Open Day 2018
Posted by Lillyburn Care Home

Lillyburn Care Home took part in Care Home Open Day on Saturday the 21st of April. A national initiative which encourages care homes to open their doors, with a few key values at its heart: friendship, making connections and celebrating older and vulnerable people.
This year, the theme was ‘Linking Communities’, where each participating home aims to create stronger links with their local community. Lillyburn Care Home was joined by Karen of MiTunes, who entertained and encouraged everyone in a good old-fashioned sing song. The day was also the Queen’s 92nd birthday and residents were joined by neighbours from Birdston Day Care, who enjoyed making new friends with Lillyburn residents over a delicious, afternoon tea.
Robert from Birdston Day Care commented “Our service users really enjoyed their visit today, it gave everyone a chance to meet new people and come together to celebrate the Queen’s birthday. We are all looking forward to our next joint venture.”
Marie Galligan, Practice Development Co-ordinator said “National Care Home Open day is a great way to showcase all the great things that go on in care homes, all too often it’s only the negatives we hear about, but days like today can help boost morale, create a sense of togetherness and demonstrates the creativity and imagination present in care settings.”