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  • 9 Apr


    Daisy Chains & Birdhouses

    Posted by Stanely Park Care Home

    To make the most of a glorious day, residents made their way to Stanely Park’s beautiful garden. The sun was shining and the residents spent their time varnishing their beautiful birdhouses, which handyman Michael created for their fete.

    While singing the old Dorris Day song “Please don’t eat the daises”, laughter ensued as they began picking daises. It was a lovely way to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about their childhood days in the fields making daisy chains and friends for life.

    Home Manager Sue Kedley came out to join us for a chat and a cuppa and commented that she loved to see the residents in the garden and that it was so good for their health and wellbeing.

    Residents, relatives and staff are looking forward to many more afternoons in the garden.


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