Haggis & A Wee Dram
Posted by Mosswood Care Home

Mosswood Care Home held their very own Burns Supper to celebrate the life and work of Robert Burns. Residents were eager to see the mouth-watering haggis they could smell from the kitchen.
Bagpiper Rhuaridh from Port Glasgow high school piped in Chef Peter who presented the haggis for all to see. As Rhuaridh played his bagpipes both residents and staff clapped and tapped their feet in time to the beautiful music, with Ella commenting that the piper did a great job for such a young man.
Much to the delight of Hilda, Burns poetry was placed on the dining tables for all to read. After their Burns supper, the dining room broke out in song and dance. Sadie reminisced about her Scottish dancing days and Betty particularly enjoyed singing along with fellow residents, staff and her daughter. A wee dram and some shortbread was served to finish. The night was filled with fun and serves as a great celebration of Robert Burns.