Ponies Bring Laughter & Joy to Stanely Park
Posted by Stanely Park Care Home

Stanely Park Care Home had the pleasure of welcoming two adorable theraponies into the home. The ponies, who are called Pippet and Skippy, turned heads and put a smile on everyone they met.
The whole home had the opportunity to brush their beautiful manes and those that could enjoyed walking the ponies around the home, while those in bed were delighted to be paid a visit by Pippet and Skippy in their rooms.
Ponies are great therapets, as they are very docile and friendly. The pair loved being petted by the adoring residents, relatives and staff. Everybody wanted a turn to meet them!
One of Stanely Park’s residents, Mr Cunningham said that meeting Pippet and Skippy brought back memories of him working with Clydesdales on Blackbyres Farm which he described as huge in comparison to the ponies.
Stanely Park’s Home Manager, Sue Kedley said “All I could hear was laughter as everyone enjoyed their experience with the ponies, seeing all the staff and residents together laughing and being so happy and relaxed just sums up Stanely Park in a nutshell.”