Friends for Life
Posted by Stanely Park Care Home

Residents were joined by pupils from Glennifer High School for the last time at Stanely Park Care Home. The sixth-year pupils have been making memories with residents at the home over the year and have formed a lifelong friendship with one another.
The group took part in a fundraising Easter project, where they created Easter chicks, bunnies and unicorn baskets to sell in aid of the resident’s fund.
The students have thoroughly enjoyed their time spent at Stanely and said “we walked in as strangers and walked out as family.” Two of the students now work part-time at the home.
Resident Betty Mckim said “they have made us all laugh and it’s been great spending time with the pupils”.
A special thanks to the sixth-year students from Glennifer High School who made many memories with our residents. Come June a new group of Sixth-year students will visit the residents.