Pen Pal Scheme A Huge Success
Posted by Birdston Care Home

We at Birdston Care Home have teamed together with Kirkintilloch high school to participate in a pen pal scheme with our residents & their 6th year students.
The students kindly sent handwritten letters telling them a bit about themselves and asking a few questions to try & get to know their pen pal. A handwritten letter adds a personal touch & can make someone’s day. Where possible residents are delighted to respond and will write their own replies back, but in some cases, letters are read to them by Claudia, our activities assistant who will discuss the letter with each resident and respond on their behalf, answering any questions and asking anything they would like to know about their pen pal.
Mary said “it’s a lovely thoughtful thing the high school kids are doing. We have written back and I’m looking forward to receiving a letter in return. It fare cheered me up! One day I might even get a visit from him.”
Claudia said, “loneliness can have an impact on a person’s health, so we thrive to introduce new activities to keep our residents connected with the outside world. This is a great intergenerational scheme working with our community.”